10. Thor Thursday 42

9. Thor Thursday 37
I had a lot of fun painting Sif. Wish I got the chance to do Valkyrie as well.

8. SEVEN % cover
This book is going to be crazy!

7. Call of Cthulhu
Lovecraft for the Win!

6. Thor Thursday 51
Another one of my personal Favs.

5. Warhammer - The Daemon Slayer
one of my favorite pieces. Once again I have to say thanks to Zoe Robinson and Mike David over at Fantasy Flight Games for the great art direction that definitely made this a better painting.

4. Thor Thursday 49
I would love to do a comic about young Odin ripping apart frost giants.

3. Thor Thursday 48
Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven...

2. Thor Thursday 36
This was actually the first Thor Thursday I started to paint almost a year before I officially started the blog.

1. The Shatter Grave Knights
This was by far the most loved painting of 2011. So many emails and reblogs it was hard to keep up with it.
and if you still haven't checked out the Shatter Grave Knights you can grab the ebook over at AMAZON and Barnes & Noble